Specialising in all things writing adjacent
I can help you with

Clients I’ve Worked With
I am overall pretty terrible at remembering to finish (or, sometimes, even start) a task. I’m terrible at remembering whether I’ve booked a table or travel or a hotel. I’m extremely terrible at a lot of things that aren’t “write the book”, and that’s where Katie comes in. Katie is dedicated, punctual, methodical, and organised. I can discuss with her what needs to be done, and if Katie needs further input from me -or if the task is to make sure I do something only I can do (pay a bill, sign a contract, etc)- she’ll let me know. And then she will make sure it happens. She has taken all kinds of tasks off my hands that I didn’t have the bandwidth for myself, and I’m 100% certain she can do these things for you, too. She’s quick, efficient, and will achieve a startling amount of work in very little time!
Katie is, quite simply, a legend. Under her extraordinary and efficient organisational skills, our show has gone from a haphazard, unreliable and frequently unscheduled mess into a well-run, orderly, and scheduled-in-advance machine that respects our audience. Sure. there’s still chaos; but now it’s happening where it should, on the live show itself, and not in the administration and management sides. If you’re a creative type with a burning brilliant project idea and no organisational skills, I’m telling you right now; you need a Katie. Thank me later.